A new association, formed in 2008, that brings together academics and researchers with an interest in non-profits and/or the social economy. It hosts an annual conference and is beginning to publish an online journal.
An association bringing together academics and researchers with an interest in co-operatives.
The main umbrella organization for community economic development organizations in Canada.
A research institute concerned with issues of social and economic justice.
Umbrella body for Canadian co-operatives and credit unions.
The Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie sociale, based at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), analyzes the role of innovation in social enterprises and social economy organizations. It publishes a regular e-bulletin on current social economy research.
CCE provides a wide range of services in community economic development and support to the social economy.
The Institute’s principal mission is to encourage dialogue and new intellectual work inspired by Karl Polanyi’s legacy.
The Quebec based Canadian chapter of an international network of researchers on the public, social and co-operative economies.
A research and public policy organization addressing the interests of the charitable and non-profit sectors.
Tamarack develops and supports collaborative strategies that engage citizens and institutions to solve major community challenges, and to learn from and share these experiences.
An umbrella organization for community economic development organizations in Alberta.
An umbrella organization for community economic development organizations in Alberta – the Alberta chapter of the Canadian CED Network. Contact: seidelr@telus.net
The Prairies program of the main national umbrella organization for community economic development organizations is based in Winnipeg but includes support to Alberta CED organizations and networks.
An Edmonton funding organization supporting many aspects of the social economy. It also hosts the Edmonton Social Enterprise Fund.
Umbrella body for the co-operative, credit union and community agricultural organization sectors in Alberta.
Family and Community Support Services is a funding program whereby the provincial government of Alberta supports local community initiatives. FCSSAA serves as a support network for FCSS municipal programs throughout the province.
A multi-faceted community economic development organization in Calgary.
Umbrella body for the co-operative and credit union sector in British Columbia.
Based at the University of Victoria, a centre for studying and promoting the co-operative model.
Based at Selkirk College in Castelgar, BC, the RIC conduct a program of research in rural economic development. The work of the Chair is based on community needs and on partnerships with local and regional organizations and businesses. RIC has collaborated with BALTA on a range of aspects of BALTA’s research program.
An umbrella body for social economy organizations in British Columbia.
An umbrella organization for community economic development organizations in British Columbia – the BC chapter of the Canadian CED Network. Contact: nchaland@ccednet-rcdec.ca