BALTA - B.C.-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance


BALTA Tele-Seminars

BALTA will feature a regular series of tele-learning seminars from Fall 2010 through to mid-2011.  Check this webpage regularly for information on upcoming sessions.  To date, BALTA has organized three tele-seminars in association with the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP) National Hub and other partners.  BALTA members have also been featured as resource people in several other National Hub tele-seminars.

The Social Economy in Australia

David Francis ThompsonDavid Francis Thompson, CEO of Jobs Australia Limited provides an overview of the social economy in Australia and some of its accomplishments. Jobs Australia is a national umbrella for more than 250 non-profit providers of employment and related services for the unemployed. (One hour session including presentation and discussion.)



Financing, the Social Economy and Emerging Challenges: Lessons in Sustainable Economics from the United Kingdom

Pat ConatyBALTA collaborator, Pat Conaty, of the UK-based New Economics Foundation speaks about UK experiences in community based ‘triple bottom line’ financing. What innovations are emerging? How are these advances relevant to financing the need for greater energy efficiency, local energy and food production, and other key challenges in the age of climate change and peak oil? What are the core issues in designing financing strategies that can help us transition to a sustainable and low-carbon living economy? (One hour session including presentation and discussion.)

Prospects and Challenges of the U.K Community Sustainability Act: Lessons in Sustainable Economics from the United Kingdom

Pat Conaty

BALTA collaborator, Pat Conaty, of the UK-based New Economics Foundation speaks about the UK’s new Community Sustainability Act. Proponents believe that the Act holds tremendous promise for enabling local and regional action to reduce carbon emissions and advance community development and the social economy. What are the key components of this breakthrough legislation? What are the opportunities and challenges it presents for civil society and social economy organizations? (One hour session including presentation and discussion.)

National Hub Telelearning Session 6: Students and the Social Economy

Features BALTA’s Student Program Coordinator, Lena Soots.

National Hub Telelearning Session 14: Procurement and the Social Economy

Features BALTA’s SERC 3 Co-Chair, David LePage, of Enterprising Non-Profits.

National Hub Telelearning Session 16: Building a People-Centered Economy

Features BALTA’s SERC 3 Co-Chair, Dr. Jorge Sousa of the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta.

National Hub Telelearning Session 17: Municipal Government Supports for the Social Economy

Four BALTA linked individuals were involved in this session: Jenny Kain of the City of Edmonton, Dr. Peter Hall from the Urban Studies program at Simon Fraser University, Dr. Marguerite Mendell of the Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy at Concordia University, and Dr. Martin Garber-Conrad of the Edmonton Community Foundation.

National Hub Telelearning Session 18: The Role of the Social Economy in Meeting Diverse Housing Needs

Features BALTA’s SERC 1 Co-Chair, George Penfold, Regional Innovation Chair in Rural Economic Development at Selkirk College in Castelgar, BC.

National Summit Telelearning Session on Procurement

Features BALTA’s SERC 3 Co-Chair, David LePage, of Enterprising Non-Profits.

National Summit Telelearning Session on Partnership and Movement Building

Features BALTA’s lead investigator, Mike Lewis, of the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal.

 Other Tele-Seminars

Other partners of BALTA in the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP) also provide such tele-learning opportunities.

For information about tele-learning sessions offered by the Canadian Social Economy Hub (national umbrella for CSERP), click here.

This site offers downloadable audio tapes and documents from earlier sessions as well as notice of upcoming tele-learning sessions.

The Southern Ontario node of CSERP, headquartered at the University of Toronto’s Social Economy Centre, has a regular Social Economy Lunchbox Speakers’ Series. For information about upcoming sessions, which are webcast, click here.

For videos of previous Lunchbox Speakers’ Series events, click here.

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